
Christmas Issues of Twisted Pulp Magazine

Twisted Pulp Magazine Issue 032-01
Interviews with Steve Rasnic Tem, Charles Rosenay, Richard A. Olson, Chemiqueen, and Podculture Vulture. For fiction we have a Christmas diddy from Thomas M. Malafarina, as well as what is probably the largest selection of short stories in the mag to date from the likes of Gavin Chapell, Richard Olsen, Tyson Blue and more.
With interviewees like David Drake and the boys down at the Weird War Podcast, Christmas horror from H.P. Lovecraft and Mark Slade, a Christmas comic inked by the masterful Frank Frazetta; you'll have a fun time figuring out if we're highbrow trash or the lowbrow litterati. 
This issue includes some great horror Christmas stories from Mark Slade and Chauncey Haworth, a Christmas Cartoon from Thomas Malafarina, questions for Jackie Ayers and Lisa Thomas, as well as an interview with Thor!.. the god of rock, not the norse god.