
Pin-up: Anastasia

Where are you from? What is your background?

I’m originally from a small town in the Scottish Highlands but am currently based in Dundee with Marvelesque Cabaret. Crazy to think I’ve been with them now for nearly 4 years! If you could describe me and my acts in a few words it would be: classically sultry with a very witchy inclination!

What inspired you to get into burlesque?

I joined when I moved away from my small hometown, wanting to grow and develop as my own person and feel comfortable in my own skin. Burlesque seemed like the perfect way to do this! Even just being able to dance got me into it, as I’ve always loved the idea of performing, but never had the chance to before now.

What about modelling? What inspired you to do Pinup?

I have always been drawn to the more alternative, vintage and glamorous styles, but never felt confident enough to fully embrace it when I was younger. Doing modelling, specifically pinup modelling, lets me do this! I get to explore and embrace my femininity, and feel more confident!

What’s the best thing about being a model in burlesque, and what’s the worst?

The best thing about this whole gig is being able to express who I am and feeling happier about myself! There aren’t many “worst” things about it—I’d say the only thing might be trying to not look too anxious whilst posing still! Just means I need more practice in front of the camera!

What performer or artist/writer inspires you the most? 

Recently, I have been finding lots of inspiration from Miss Chrissy Kiss. She has such a strong stage presence that I aspire to have myself one day—not to mention her costumes! Would absolutely want to meet her one day.

What other areas of art are you involved in?

I’ve always been involved in different forms of art growing up in some way. Currently, I’m very into creating my own clothes through knitting and sewing, allowing me to make stuff that genuinely is me in both style, fit and colours. I’ve also been looking into pursuing a career in art therapy in the future—if that counts!

Do you think your environment and where you live has an effect on the type of art you create?

Definitely! Moving to the city allowed me to open my horizons and let me meet all the other people in Marvelesque. Back home, there weren’t many opportunities like this (not counting Highland dancing). So, I appreciate it a lot! 

What long term goals do you have?

One day I would love to perform in more shows around Scotland or even further afield, because as of right now I have only ever performed in Dundee. I also need to desperately create a solid burlesque wardrobe!

What do you think the popular culture will be like in ten years?

Although I haven’t been doing it too long considering a certain pandemic hit right in the middle of it… It has, however, made the accessibility of attending virtual shows and lessons a lot easier for those who may typically be unable to. Hopefully, this will continue on into the future, making this art form and others more present in popular culture. And with it the revival of vintage styles.

10. What’s the strangest thing you’ve been asked to do in your profession?

I’ve had a message come through asking if I was interested in doing women’s wrestling! Definitely the weirdest thing I’ve ever been asked—and I’m not entirely sure why they thought I’d be interested in the first place!

What projects are you working on now?

My most recent project is a new siren-inspired classic act for my next performance alongside Marvelesque. With it comes new choreography and a new costume to design! I also have a few fun photo-shoots lined up for the coming months.