
  1. Editorial: Pompous Ass or Cosmopolitan?
  2. Interview with Cover Artist, Caroline Santos
  3. A Life of Sacrifice by Chauncey Haworth
  4. Interview With Christopher Mcmillen
  5. House Of The Not So Holy – House (1986) Review from Mark Slade
  6. Incident at a Diner by Chris Miller
  7. Mi Hermano by Tyson Blue
  8. Escape! By Wesley Critchfield
  9. Interview with Jason Norton
  10. Interview with Blake Smith and Karen Stollznow of The MonsterTalk Podcast
  11. The Forest God Parts 1-4 By Rex Mundy
  12. From TV Stardom to Cinematic Psychedelia: The Monkees’ Head Revisited By Jessica Ann Catena
  13. The Black Eyed Children By Matt Lennox