The Swinging Smiths
Written by Rob Lowe (not that Rob Lowe)Hello again I am Rob Lowe (not that Rob Lowe). I am always finding myself breaking the craziest kinds of news. Recently, I have been in talks with someone going only by “anonymous” up until I Skyped with them on a recent session. They had a Ronald Reagan mask on and a deep voice changer. I asked whom their name was and they said “You can call me Hill Dawg.” This “Hill Dawg” sent me a series of text messages in-between two top stars and it was quite frankly very shocking. You know these two men as Ron Jeremy and Will Smith. Below you can read the messages.
Ron: Hey Will we still good for this weekend? Will: Ronnie! Whats up man! Of course. Jada is very excited to get back together and hang. Ron: Good, good. Let me ask you something. Should I bring any toys? Will: Idk man the kids are all grown up now. They’re a little to old to be playing with toys. Ron: No man! Not toys for kids! Do I need to really elaborate? Will: I don’t see what you’re getting at Ronnie. I don’t prefer the kids to be home when you come over. Ron: Goddamn it Will! Sex toys! Jesus fucking Christ! And stop fucking calling me Ronnie! I told you last time only the women call me that!
Will: My bad man! Yeah bring them over. I thought you liked being called that when you were with us. Ron: Will, only your wife gets to call me Ronnie. Do you understand? Will: Alright my bad. Jada is really excited. She said she hasn’t been with anyone as big as you. Not since we were on that island with Jeffrey. Ron: Will don’t bring that up via text! “Fuck Island” is a secret! Will: My bad Ron. My bad. Well don’t forget to bring the butt plugs this weekend, the dog collars, and the double-sided dildo alright? Ron: It’s just the 3 of us I thought? Why a double-sided? Will: Exactly Ron… Exactly…
As you fine folks just read, it appears that the Smiths might be into a swinging lifestyle. I am hoping “Hill Dawg” can give me more information about this as it unfolds but its definitely looking a bit odd. And what about “Fuck Island”? What exactly is that? Jeffrey? Who knows.