Weird Tales Vol. 1 No .1
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Weird Tales
Weird Tales Magazine was first published in March 1923. It was known for its horror, fantasy, and science fiction stories, as well as for its distinctive cover art. Over the years, many famous authors such as H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, and Ray Bradbury have had their work published in the magazine. Although Weird Tales has had several periods of publication, it is widely considered a classic of early 20th-century pulp fiction and has influenced generations of writers.

Weird Tales Vol. 1 No .1
Weird Tales Vol. 1 No .1 was published in 1923 and contained the following stories:
- The Dead Man’s Tale by Willard E. Hawkins
- Ooze by Anthony M. Rud
- The Thing Of A Thousand Shapes [Part 1 of 2] by Otis Adelbert Kline
- The Mystery Of Black Jean by Julian Kilman
- The Grave by Orville R. Emerson
- Hark! The Rattle! by Joel Townsley Rogers
- The Ghost Guard by Bryan Irvine
- The Ghoul And The Corpse by G. A. Wells
- Fear by David R. Solomon
- The Chain by Hamilton Craigie
- The Place Of Madness by Merlin Moore Taylor
- The Closing Hand by Farnsworth Wright
- The Unknown Beast by Howard Ellis Davis
- The Basket by Herbert J. Mangham
- The Accusing Voice by Meredith Davis
- The Sequel [Fortunato] by Walter Scott Story
- The Weaving Shadows by W. H. Holmes
- Nimba, The Cave Girl by R. T. M. Scott
- The Young Man Who Wanted To Die by Anon.
- The Scarlet Night by William Sanford
- The Extraordinary Experiment Of Dr. Calgroni by Joseph Faus & James Bennett Wooding
- The Return Of Paul Slavsky by George Warburton Lewis
- The House Of Death by F. Georgia Stroup
- The Gallows by I. W. D. Peters
- The Skull by Harold Ward
- The Ape-Man by James B. M. Clark, Jr.