San Sincero, California—An Urban Emanation from the Camino Real
Written by Lothar TuppanSan Sincero is a thriving city on the California coast, somewhere between Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz. In San Sincero the boundaries of the real disintegrate as an ancient dissonance redefines the lives of its people.
The following is a early draft of an entry for San Sincero, written by the late travel writer Alan Campbell (born 1960—died 1993). He was preparing it for the newest edition of his excellent Top 10 Cities of California travel guide. Unfortunately, his body was found decapitated in his hotel room. This entry was mailed to
his editor, earlier the same day as his death.
Dear Charles,
This is an extremely rough draft of what will be the finished entry for San Sincero. I can’t believe I’ve never been to this city before! I’ve driven up and down the California coast at least twice now, and I can’t remember ever seeing the city before. And, yes, I do know that those years were filled with more than my share of cocaine. Still sober after 6 months (knock on wood)!
Anyway, I wanted to share with you these first thoughts. I’ll flesh it out, clean it up (it’s more of a journal entry of purple prose now than a public document), remove the scuttlebutt, and add a few actual restaurants and other hot spots later. I can’t remember (from when you told me to make sure to include San Sincero in my new edition) if you mentioned whether you’ve ever visited the city before. If you have been, I have lots of questions that I’d like to ask you. Please call me at my hotel once you’ve had a chance to read the draft. I’ve seen a few very odd things (that won’t be in my entry as I don’t want them to lock me up as a crazy person) that I’d really like to talk with you about. Don’t read this as my editor! Just as my friend! Once we talk, it will be clear why I’m sending this to you.