Twisted Pulp Magazine Issue 035

The road to true artistry can be a dark path, a winding trail of dirt and leaves and stuff… or, if you’re like us, you just read Twisted Pulp Magazine. Looking to replace all your fine art with art that’s just fine? Want to stop reading the classics and start reading the pulpiest pulp around? Twisted Pulp Magazine is your magazine. It’s full of interviews and stories from up-and-comers, down-and-outers, and those traversing the zeitgeist of the creative spirit… also known as side-to-siders.

In this issue, we have interviews with comic artist Mary Wilshire, comedian Frank Santopadre, and authors Katie Berry, Ken Gallant, and David Kempf. With an article by Eric Senich, reviews of Shock and Peoria Nights, and a whole lot more, how could you pass this level of badassery up?